Q3 2023
Talent Pulse Report

The Q3 2023 Vaco Talent Pulse Report captures a comprehensive understanding of professionals' confidence, motivations and expectations, providing valuable insights for employers and professionals alike in navigating the evolving landscape of work and talent management.

Results and summaries to inform the Q3 2023 Vaco Talent Pulse Report are based on 8,984 votes cast across three polls administered online through Vaco’s LinkedIn company profile on May 27, 2023, June 2, 2023 and June 30, 2023.

Highlights from this quarter’s report include:

  • When asked about their current job outlook, 39% of respondents expressed extreme confidence in their ability to secure and maintain employment, 33% indicated a moderate level of confidence and 28% reported feeling uncertain.
  • The top motivator for nearly half of job seekers (43%) is more money and better benefits.
  • As we approach year-end, organizations looking to make new hires should be prepared to offer signing bonuses to help make candidates whole as they transition. Clawback bonuses are also prevalent and oftentimes have a 12-month clause associated with them, where candidates have to pay back bonuses paid to them earlier in the year if they leave.

For these insights and additional findings, download your copy of the Q3 2023 Vaco Talent Pulse Report.

For the latest read on employee and job seeker confidence levels, check out the Q3 2023 Vaco Talent Pulse Report.