Quarterly Reports
Northeast Quarterly Market Reports

The latest job market news and trends – all in one place. Highlights from the Q3 2022 Quarterly Market Report include:

  • The Employment Situation: 
    The national unemployment rate was at 3.6 percent, for the third month in a row. Overall, this jobs report was a positive signal of continuing expansion in the economy.
  • Temp Hours Worked: 
    Temporary staffing hours worked in professional occupations, including IT, healthcare, finance and engineering, were up 12% year-over-year.
  • Rising Interest Rates Impact on the Talent Market:
    Given the backlogged demand, job losses would have to mount considerably before workers would have a hard time finding new positions. Overall, higher interest rates are not expected to have much of a short-term effect on hiring.
  • Data Privacy: “If I'm a company today, I'm thinking about how data is collected, stored and applied in the organization, and how [new] regulations might impact that.”

Download your copy of the Q3 Quarterly Market Report

Accounting & Finance
Digital & Creative

“The employment climate in the U.S. is polarized. We went from a very traditional in-office model a few years ago to completely virtual in near overnight fashion as a result of the pandemic. Since then, employees have been in the driver's seat. But as the threat of a recession looms, we expect we may see a softening of employee
demands as the supply and demand equation sways." 

Mike Doud | Managing Partner, Vaco NYC